How To Get Traffic From Pinterest For Your Website

Pinterest is a social media site where users can pin their images as well as re pins other images they see on internet which in turns get them more traffic from pinterest. This post will going to tell you few effective tips on how to get website traffic from pinterest.

Here are some actionable methods to drive traffic from Pinterest to your blog.

Create a Blog Board
Create a Board on Pinterest specifically for your blog articles. This makes it easy for your Followers to find your blog posts, and even Follow your blog Board.

Make the title of your Pinterest blog Board the same as your blog page title. For example, if you’re an Etsy store, and you blog about crafts and DIY projects, name your Pinterest blog Board the same as your website blog name, such as “Crafts and DIY Blog”, or “My Etsy Blog”.

Naming your Pinterest board with keywords makes it more likely to show up in search engines too.

When you write a blog post, Pin it to your blog Board. Include:
  • A brief summary, or quote, from the article
  • A great image that represents your post (we’ll talk more about the importance of images on Pinterest soon)
  • A link directly to your blog article 
Create Lifestyle Related Boards
You likely already have a number of Boards on your Business Pinterest Account. If not, you need to stop right now, and create Boards that resonate with both your business and your market. Pin it full of mixed content like products, household tips, lifestyle images and more, all revolving around your Board theme. Post related links back to your blog, too.When you Pin blog articles this way, include:
  • A brief summary or quote from the article that relates to the theme of your Board
  • A great image that emotionally connects with your Board theme
  • A link directly to your blog article
You really want to show how your blog article fits within the personal or emotional context of your Board theme. This will make your blog content even more appealing to your Pinterest users.

You can cross Pin your blog articles in your different Boards, too. Just don’t do this too much, as your Pins show up in your Followers’ feeds, and you don’t want to ‘spam’ them with the same link over and over.

Engage on Pinterest
Like any good social marketer, you need to engage with your Followers. This is true when you want to turn your Pinners into your blog readers, too. The more you engage with people on Pinterest, the more likely they’ll also want to connect with you on your blog, and other sites.

So how do you engage on Pinterest? There’s lots of ways to get to know your market better on Pinterest, and for your market to get to know you better too.

Here are a few tips to engage on Pinterest:
  • Pin good, original and relevant content
  • Pin often and consistently so your Pins get seen in your Followers’ feeds
  • Return the favour and follow your Followers
  • Check out your Followers’ Boards and Pins for good content ideas they like
  • Ask questions that are answered in your blog
  • RePin, like and comment on your Followers’ Pins, when you really think they’re great
  • RePin industry leaders, and other great content your Followers will like
Feature your Blog Writers
Generally speaking, the more your Pinterest Followers know about you, the better the relationships you’ll have. This works if you want to develop better traffic to your blog too. Let your Followers get to know the faces behind the articles. Make a fun, personable Pinboard that showcases your blog writers.

When you Pin to a Blog Writers Board you could:
  • Include a personable face of the author
  • Write a short bio, with a quirky, lifestyle (such as cooking) related hobby
  • Include a short quote from the blog post, and attribute it to the author
Featuring your writers makes your readers feel like they are getting to know that person. They will be more likely to want to connect with you on your blog.

Pinterest button 
I am sure that you must be having other social media sites sharing buttons on your blog site so why not put pinterest pin it button also and this can really get you more traffic from pinterest since people are more attracted to images so when they read your blog post and they like the image you have used on your blog then chances are they will re pin your images into their pinterest account and if they are having lots of followers then you can get more pinterest traffic instantly which in turn can subscribe to your blog to get more updates about that topic

Be Active 
The biggest trick to get traffic from any social media sites is to be active and if you are not then you cannot drive much traffic to your website So they to pin interest images to your pinterest account as well as other bloggers images also and this will greatly influence your followers as they will see that you are here to indeed provide them with value and not only a self promotion creature So be active on pinterest to get more referral traffic, I know it's hard to concentrate on all the social media sites equally but if you are in products or food niche then you cannot ignore pinterest as this can help you get few hundreds of visitors regularly to your blog by simply pinning interesting images.

Image Quality 
To get traffic from pinterest you must post high quality images as people love clear images I have seen many newbie bloggers pin low quality images and then complain that pinterest doesn't work and it's waste of time to spend time there but pinterest will do it's job but if you are not doing your job right then how can you blame others so I would recommend to pin only high quality images which are meaningful to your niche or services and I am sure that you can get more pinterest traffic pretty easily.

Image Description 
As I have said that having good quality images will drive you more traffic from pinterest but you must also give proper description to your images and pins which will help your followers to know what is your image all about and they you click through rate will increase dramatically, Similar to meta description of your website with helps search engines what you website is all about in similar way you image description will give more information to your followers as what you are talking about So don't just be in hurry to pin images instead write few words description for you pins

Follow Followers 
I am sure that you might know this trick if not let me explain you, lets say that you have a follower on pinterest who has 5 k followers then you can follow them and what the advantage is that if they will like your pins and re pin them then automatically you pins get exposed to their 5 k followers which in turn can drive massive amount of pinterest traffic also can increase your followers base and this is must follow pinterest tricks.

Share Infographics 
Infographics have become more popular these days and many pro bloggers are using infographic in to build backlinks to their blogs so instead of just sharing images on pinterest try to also share informative infographics as people love infographics and might link back to your blog site for more information about that particular topic.

Create Your Pins
As you know that people love original content in similar passion people love original images so try to create you own pins which will drastically get you more re pins, likes, backlinks and comments And don't be afraid that if you are not a Photoshop expert to create highly creative images instead you can simply create memes for your images using free online meme generators and I am pretty confident that you can drive more referral traffic from pinterest to your blog site for free.

Post Teasers 
Can you resist yourself from clicking on these title if you see somewhere " how to drive massive traffic from Facebook in 5 mins" and I probably guess that you want will find it hard to not to click and check out how to get traffic from Facebook in 5 minutes to your blog and you can use the same strategy in pinterest also when you share images try to write title which catch user attention and this can get more traffic to your blog or website from pinterest and if you also know how to write catchy post title then I think that you will do this with ease.

Call To Action
I think that this is the most important strategy that any blogger or website owner cannot ignore they want to make the most of the traffic and exposure they are getting from any sources so post images which imposes the call to action like for example if you are have wrote a blog post on your blog about " 5 tips to get more sales on autopilot" the post an interesting image on pinterest with call to action on image itself as well as in description and you will be surprised to see how much pinterest traffic to you drive to your blog site for free.
