Best Free Blogger Templates for Photographers

Known for its efficiency in uploading pictures, editing and posting, Blogger has become one of the best blog sites to start a photography blog. There are many free photography Blogger templates available online which offer a stunning look to your photography blog and to ensure that you get new visitors.

These templates offer rich and vibrant colour combinations which bring out the best in your pictures. Not to mention they also contain premium features like customisable text and backgrounds. With these top class templates you can create slide shows on your Blogger photography blog. One of the best features of these templates is the post thumbnail feature which shows your pictures thumbnails before clicking.

These templates offer a variety of resolutions and are effective in any kind of device you have, like mobile or tablet. Some of the top Blogger photography templates include DCM Dark, Skyblue andPhoto blog all of these come packed with features which ensure that you are satisfied with the look and feel of your Blogger Blog. These templates are available for free download so it’s really easy to use them.

Wilder Blogspot Theme

Emerge Responsive Blogspot Theme

Grid Pin Responsive Masonry Photography Blogspot Theme

Hellya Responsive blogspot theme

Revoli Boxed Blogspot theme

Snortly Blogger Template

London Creative Blogspot theme
